APJIK are alexander paul jovanovic and inox kapell.
they play every show with different instruments,
selfmade instruments, curious instruments, toys-instruments,
akkusitik and electric, analog or digisynth noisemakers,
the history in muzic is long, both of them playing in many band-projects or
as an inox kapell does performance and happenings.
alexander is a composer of comńtemporary ballet/ berlin and dresden,
he played also in – neues glas – ( ex ton steine scherben)
drums and triangel with klaus schulze…in the early 80th.
inox kapell is one of the duo -nostalgie eternelle –
and runs his -urknall-tonquelle label – since 1986 v.d.a.
he starts 1982 as stefan heinze – as musician/ singer,
he ś known as artist, musician in combination to his entomological scientist/ specialist work.
he is an insect lover and long tiome he dioes the -insekteum- in berlin
and other clubs/gallerys/art-rooms….
alex is djing,too as erziehungsberechtigter.
kind im garten is the djname of inox.
they are based in the subculture and more fluxists/avantgardists – coming out of improvisation.
they love to play live – so be surprised as they do !!!