Dear Ornette

This project is the unexpected result of the sum of three musical stories apparently far from each other. The sound, contaminated by multiple influences such as Alternative – Psych rock takes shape from the bass of David Paulis, the guitar is Giacomo Ferrigato and the drums of Andrea Lovo.
Dear Ornette was born from a thought towards Ornette and his courage for having thrown a music dominated by customs in the great sea of confusion, the latter seen as a key to renewal. Improvisation is therefore not only a musical practice based on the use of sound material over a pre-established form but becomes a way of dealing with the situations that arise during the continuous dialogue of the musicians. The trio also presents some written pieces, of different nature from each other that do not however have a real positioning within the concert but are used or not based on the trends of the speech undertaken. This is the vision that is at the base of their performances, which involves a great diversity between each of them.