Miracle Johan
As the song goes, this story begins a long time in the future when Miracle Johan crash lands on Earth through a space portal of sorts. He crash landed into the tundra and realized that his magical powers were enhanced when in the Earth’s atmosphere. Knowing that he had unlimited powers on this planet, he decided he must use his magic for good.
Although birthed a human boy, he gradually escaped time and became a honest to goodness maniac. He’s spent decades recording 4-track explorations as a one-man band doing dub, psych rock, folk, and songs about basketball. He’s played in bands like Martian 5, Bears, Gelatinous Muck, and the Spicy Condiments. In the past several years, has assembled a band of like minded maniacs to explore No Time with him. There are sometimes songs and structures and more often assuredly departures from both as the collective shared moment is the fondest memory we’ve yet to explore.